How To Prevent Acne Or Pimples

Dealing with pimples and acne is not easy or nice but you have to use your treatment with care because the skin is very delicate and sensitive.

-  Avoid scrubbing your skin harshly with a washcloth, exfoliating glove, or loofah which is a coarse-textured sponge). Instead, wash it with your clean hands or a very soft cloth. Always rinse well, and then dry your face with a clean towel as dirty towels spread bacteria.

-   Try an over-the-counter acne product. These acne products don't need a prescription. They may have ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid, which curb bacteria and dry your skin. Start with a small amount at first. Then you can decide how much you want to keep usuing depending on the amount of peeling and drying you want.Always use products with caution if you have sensitive skin.

 -  Be cautious of what you put on your hair. Avoid using fragrances, oils, pomades, or gels on your hair. If they get on your face, they can block your skin's pores and irritate your skin. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Oily hair can add to the oil on your face, so wash your hair often, especially if you're breaking out. Also try pullig away long hair from your face.

-  Use makeup sparingly. Avoid wearing foundation, powder or blush during breakout. If you wear makeup, wash it off at the end of the day. If possible, choose oil-free cosmetics without added dyes and chemicals. Choose makeup that is labeled as "noncomedogenic," meaning it should not cause acne. Always read the ingredients list product labels before buying.

-  Calendula reduces pores, helping pimples and spots nourishment.
For cleansing the skin , some people use grains and if you do, use small grains because, big ones hurts the skin. Rub till melt. half teaspoon of sugar can do as well as flour for mixture and always use luke warm water to wash or rinse face.

-  Moisturizer is good for all skin type but over use can cause clogging i.e pores. Check for good ones when purchasing any and read instructions carefully. Always check out for skin reactions to decide if to continue or stop usage. Always moisturize after cleansing.

-  Avoid touching your face or propping your cheek or chin on your hands. Not only can you spread bacteria, you can also irritate the already inflamed facial skin. Never pick or pop pimples with your fingers, as it can lead to infection and scarring.

-  Chemical peel removes outer layer of skin to reveal fresh skin as skin got lots of layer to revive anew. Better to use natural or less harsh products for the skin.

-  Use suppliments:
As we age our skins needs change, which is why we have developed a range to help put back the nutritional building blocks for healthy skin that ageing naturally takes away. Our unique 2-way approach to skincare combines nutritional supplements with nutrient-enriched topical skincare, to help create optimum skin health.

-  Calm down!  Some studies link stress with the severity of pimples or acne. Ask yourself what's making you feel stressed. Then look for solutions.

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