How To Cleanse The Face With Lemon Remendy

Here i am explaining how i use lemon to massage my face naturally to give it a clean fresh wash.

To remove deep dirt and at the same time clear dark spots on the face, i use lemon, salt or sodium bicabonate also known as baking soda.

 Lemon is rich with vitamin C and a very good antibacterial cleaning agent that is good for cleansing the skin.

Squeeze half a lemon in a bowl and add two teaspoon of sodium bicabonate mix well.

Make sure face is freshly clean and there's no makeup nor cream. With your finger tips spread the mixture all over the face and try to avoid the eye area.

Spread and massage for at least 2minutes. Remember lemon has a harsh effect and can make the skin sensitive especially when exposed to sunlinght. This can also cause skin discoloration especially for dark skin. If you have dark skin, leave on face for a minute before rinsing off.

 For this reason, it's better to be careful when massaging the mixture of lemon and baking soda to the face and make sure you don't scratch nor press your hand to your face as you massage.

This can be done once or twice weekly before bedtime. Always rinse off with luke warm water then cool water and it's better not to towel but leave air dried.

Check out my next blog on how useful lemon is for health.

Let me know what your comments are.

Come prevenire l'acne

Trattare  l'acne non è facile o bello, ma è necessario utilizzare il trattamento con attenzione perché la pelle è molto delicata e sensibile.

Esattamente ciò che provoca l'acne? L'acne si sviluppa quando le cellule e oli naturali cominciano a bloccare fino piccoli follicoli piliferi nella pelle. I batteri si fanno strada nei follicoli tappati e iniziano a moltiplicarsi. Quando le cellule immunitarie del corpo si muovono per attaccare i batteri, i risultati della battaglia sono i classici sintomi di acne - gonfiore, arrossamento e brufoli.

- Evitare di lavare la pelle con durezza con un panno, guanto esfoliante, o  una spugna ruvida-strutturato. Invece, lavarlo con le mani pulite o un panno molto morbido. Sciacquare sempre bene, e poi asciugare il viso con un asciugamano pulito come asciugamani sporchi diffondono batteri.

- Prova un prodotto per l'acne. Questi prodotti non hanno bisogno di una prescrizione medica. Possono avere ingredienti come il perossido di benzoile, acido salicilico, acido glicolico, acido lattico, che batteri cordolo e asciugare la pelle. Inizia con una piccola quantità al inizio prima di decidere quanto si desidera continuare a utilizzare  il prodotto seconda della quantità di peeling vuoi. Usate prodotti con attenzione se avete la pelle sensibile.

- Fare attenzione di ciò che si mette sui vostri capelli. Evitare l'uso di profumi, olio o gel sui capelli. Se arrivano sul tuo viso,  possono bloccare i pori della pelle e irritare la pelle. Utilizzi  solo shampoo e balsamo delicato. Capelli grassi può potere l'olio sul viso, quindi è meglio che lavate i capelli spesso, soprattutto se la faccia è molto irritata.

- Se avete cappelli lunghi, toglierlo lontano dal viso .

- Evitare di toccare la faccia con mani sporchi per evitare potere i batteri sulla faccia.

 -Utilizzare il trucco con attenzione. Evitare di usare fondazione in polvere o arrossire durante irritazione. Pulire il viso alla fine della giornata. Se possibile, scegliere cosmetici oil-free, senza coloranti aggiunti e sostanze chimiche. Scegli il trucco che viene etichettato come "noncomedogenic", che significa che non dovrebbe causare l'acne. Leggere sempre le etichette lista degli ingredienti del prodotto prima di acquistare.

Tea to stop fat

White tea;
 This type of tea helps to break down stored fat. It is like Spanx in a cup. It actually works in four ways to promote fat-burning. It helps to block the formation of new fat cells and also boost the body’s process of breaking down stored fat, according to a study published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism. Another group of researchers found that the tea is also a rich source of catechins, a type of antioxidant that triggers the release of fat from the cells and helps speed the liver’s ability to turn fat into energy.

Another type of tea is Barberry:
This helps to block fat cells from growing. The stem, fruit and root bark of the barberry shrub contains berberine–a powerful, naturally occurring, fat-frying chemical. According to researchers, berberine can prevent weight gain and the development of insulin resistance in rats consuming a high-fat diet. This can help you get-lean and slim down fast.

There's Oolong Tea:
This type of tea helps burn a pound a week. This antioxidant-rich traditional Chinese drink not only helps keep cholesterol levels in check and aids digestion, it can also help revive up your metabolism. Just like green tea, oolong is also packed with catechins, this boost weight loss efforts by improving the body’s ability to metabolise fat. If you drink this tea regularly, you can loose a pound a week!

There is Rooibos Tea:

This helps cut down new fat cell growth. It is a red, naturally sweet tea made from the leaves of the Rooibos bush and very powerful fat-melter. According to researchers, polyphenols and flavonoids found in the plant inhibits adipogenesis the formation of new fat cells by as much as 22 percent. The chemicals also help fat metabolism. Rooibos tea help burn stubborn  chub clinging to your middle, without thinking of diet.

Here's Pu-erh Tea:
This helps to reduce belly flab. This fermented Chinese tea might do to your fat cells what the New England Patriots allegedly do to their footballs—deflate them! To discover the brew’s fat-crusading powers, Chinese researchers fed groups of rats varying diets over a two-month period. Those who had a high-fat diet while also receiving pu-erh tea extract had lower levels of fat in their blood and lower levels of belly fat than those who did not. While the effects aren’t proven in humans, this tea has true fat-blasting potential. Sip a cup in the morning, and get even skinnier with the 8 ways to lose weight before noon.

Green Tea;

This is already known to help loose weight.

How to grow African hair soft and long without relaxer

This blog is for African Africans and all black Africans who have serious strong and thick hair. Sometimes it could seem impossible that African hair can't be maintained to feel soft and grow long without the use of chemicals like relaxer. Unlike other hair types, African hair grows curly and strong and if not well maintained and handled, it could tangle and make it impossible to comb or style easily.

Here are a few steps you can use to make your African hair grow long and soft.

Reduce Shampoo;

African hair can be very dry so, when washing your hair, it's better to use little shampoo. Shampoo dries the hair and strips it from its natural oils. Use shampoo to wash only your hair scalp and not the strands because as you rinse with water the strands will be washed also.

Use Lots Of Conditioner;

After washing with shampoo always use conditioner. It is better to use lots of conditioner not on the scalp but only on the strands this time. Leave conditioner on hair for at least five minutes with a plastic cap on before rinsing off.

Wrap Hair In towel Or A Cotton Cloth;

Don't dry your hair vigorously with towel as it will lead to tangling. Wrap the towel or any cotton cloth like t-shirt around your hair and tap to soak off water. Leave the towel on your hair for 15 - 20minutes then try to detangle and straightening hair with your hands and fingers slowly.

Less Or No Heat;

After washing your hair, if in a hurry use blow dryer in low heat to avoid getting the hair too dried and crispy. Try to stay away from hair straightener. It is better to leave your hair to dry naturally.

Comb With Big Toothed Comb;

After detangly hair with fingers, divide hair in four or five sections and hold each section by the root as you comb. Comb the tip first before advancing to the roots to avoid breakiong and pulling off your hair.

Oil Hair;

Next, with your hair still in 4 or 5 sections, you can use coconut oil, jojoba oil or olive oil  to soften your hair. Don't rub oil on the scalp only the strands of your hair to make it soften.

Style Hair;

After oily hair, your can weave hair in simple corn crow or twisting style then leave it like that for a week or two without tampering it. You can use a nice wig for your outings.

Clip on Extensions;

You can buy either human hair or synthetic extension then buy clips and sew them together. All you need is clip the extensions on when going out and take them off when home. You can use clip in extensions in you don't style your natural hair at all.
 And with your hair sectioned into 4 or 5 places in corn crow or twists, you can also use clip in extensions.

Wash Hair Less Often;

You can wash hair once or twice a week and always remember to use abundant conditoner.

Deep Condition Hair;

Deep conditioners are different from normal conditioners. Normal conditoners can stay on hair only a few minutes while deep conditioners stay almost an hour on hair.

There are lots of good deep conditioners like "dark & lovely" and "Olive Oil Professional Replenishing Conditioner" to choose from. Theses conditioners are different  because you can leave them on hair after washing with shampoo for more than 30 minutes with your plastic cap on.
 You can deep condition hair twice or three times monthly. This help to soften the hair from the root as the new growth shoots outs.

Massage Hair Wet Or Dried:

You can massage your scalp with the tip of your finger every night before going to bed. The best time to really massage your hair is when you shampoo your hair. Remember to shampoo only the root and massage at same time, not with your nails but just your thumbs before rinsing off.

Leave your comments to let me know if this blog was useful, doubts are also welcome.