How To Apply Relaxer On Hair

This blog is for those who want to apply relaxers on their hair without visiting the professionals at saloons. Though it would be advisable to visit a professional before using chemicals on your hair because in this way, they can do a strand test and know what chemicals your hair is allergic to. This way you can know how to choose relaxers by taking note of what type of chemicals they are made with.

Take Note: 

- If you want to relax your hair for the first time with a relaxer,  you should first  know what type of relaxer your hair need.
- If your hair is all virgin you can buy a relaxer that indicates "SUPER" which is strong.
- If your hair was previously relaxed and you just want to relax the new growth, you can buy the relaxer that indicates "REGULAR" which is mild.
- Note that if you have previously colored your hair, let new growth come out before thinking of applying a relaxer.
- There are Super strength relaxers, regular relaxers, lye or no-lye relaxer.

How To Use Relaxer

Step 1: Always wear thick hand gloves. You can buy from phamacies of market because gloves in relaxer kits often tear off.

Step 2: Read instuctions on relaxer kit on how to mix your activator with relaxer.

Step 3: Put a towel on your shoulder to cover your neck.

Step 4:  Divide hair into four parts

Step 5: Rub coconut oil or cream on ears and scalp areas around your hair.

Step 6:  Start applying relaxer on all four parts of your hair but never on your scalp or you could risk burning your scalp.

Step 7: You can use ur hand to straigthen relaxer on hair like a light massage for few seconds.

Step 8: Respect time range given in instructions and wash relaxer off hair in due time.

Step 9: Use luke warm water, to shampoo and condition hair then finally rinse with cool water to close folicles. You can use a deep conditioner as well.

Step 10: Towel hair gently as it will be fragile for a week or two. Re-wash with neutralizing shampoo and condition  hair after a week to rivatalize hair.

Examples of kit relaxers


  • Don't use relaxers on irritated scalp as this could cause worse injuries.
  • Don't use relaxers on newly dyed or colored hair to avoid breakage and splitting og hair
  • Don't apply relaxer on previously relaxed hair, apply only on new growth.
  • Wait at least 6 weeks or more before applying relaxer on hair again
  • If relaxer causes skin or scalp irritation rinse immediately and wash with neutralizing shampoo on kit.
  • Always use a big tooth comb for your hair
  • Better to use no-lye relaxers.

How To Take Care Of Dark Skin

To get spotless and clear black skin is not easy as black skin can be more prone to breakouts than other skin tones. Not only  pimples, as darker skin also gets brown spots or areas of hyperpigmentation after your acne has cleared, especially if you pick at your zits.

You can get rid of blemishes and clogged pores by using products that can help to fight oil and acne, then ward off brown spots with a lightening treatment designed with your skin tone.

Here  are some tips to prevent dark spots on black skin

1)  Always wash your face in the morning with a cleanser that contains salicylic acid.  this acne-fighting ingredient will help clear out your pores, heal pimples then get rid of  dirt  that can cause break out. Wet your face and hands, apply the cleanser to your face in circular motion before rinsing off.

2)  Rub cream that contains salicylic acid over each area of your face where breakouts occur, and dab a little extra directly on top of pimples. If you have sensitive skin or mild acne, you can skip this step.

 3)  Always allow cream to absorb into your skin for a few minutes, before applying a lightweight moisturizer with SPF onto your face. This helps to keep flaking and irritation at a minimum, and prevent the ashy appearance that black skin can experience. The SPF will help fight against the sun damage that can make acne and scarring look worse.

4) Do choose an oil-free product that promises not to clog pores, and apply it as often as needed throughout the day.

5)  At nights, wash your face then smooth on a dark spot correcting serum. Look for a product that is safe for use on black skin and that promises to fade spots and even out your overall complexion. Apply the serum over your entire face and concentrate especially on any spots or scars.

6)  Do make use of an exfoliating scrub twice a week after washing your face at night. Choose products designed to target blackheads and rid your pores of impurities. Massage the scrub onto damp skin and rinse thoroughly.

If you experience excessive irritation or an allergic reaction to a product, stop using it and seek medical attention.

Things you need to check on before buying creams or products are;
Salicylic acid face wash
Salicylic acid cream
Moisturizer with SPF 30 and above
Dark spot correcting serum
Exfoliating scrub

Use salicylic acid and a spot-correcting serum for good results.

How To Prevent Acne Or Pimples

Dealing with pimples and acne is not easy or nice but you have to use your treatment with care because the skin is very delicate and sensitive.

-  Avoid scrubbing your skin harshly with a washcloth, exfoliating glove, or loofah which is a coarse-textured sponge). Instead, wash it with your clean hands or a very soft cloth. Always rinse well, and then dry your face with a clean towel as dirty towels spread bacteria.

-   Try an over-the-counter acne product. These acne products don't need a prescription. They may have ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid, which curb bacteria and dry your skin. Start with a small amount at first. Then you can decide how much you want to keep usuing depending on the amount of peeling and drying you want.Always use products with caution if you have sensitive skin.

 -  Be cautious of what you put on your hair. Avoid using fragrances, oils, pomades, or gels on your hair. If they get on your face, they can block your skin's pores and irritate your skin. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Oily hair can add to the oil on your face, so wash your hair often, especially if you're breaking out. Also try pullig away long hair from your face.

-  Use makeup sparingly. Avoid wearing foundation, powder or blush during breakout. If you wear makeup, wash it off at the end of the day. If possible, choose oil-free cosmetics without added dyes and chemicals. Choose makeup that is labeled as "noncomedogenic," meaning it should not cause acne. Always read the ingredients list product labels before buying.

-  Calendula reduces pores, helping pimples and spots nourishment.
For cleansing the skin , some people use grains and if you do, use small grains because, big ones hurts the skin. Rub till melt. half teaspoon of sugar can do as well as flour for mixture and always use luke warm water to wash or rinse face.

-  Moisturizer is good for all skin type but over use can cause clogging i.e pores. Check for good ones when purchasing any and read instructions carefully. Always check out for skin reactions to decide if to continue or stop usage. Always moisturize after cleansing.

-  Avoid touching your face or propping your cheek or chin on your hands. Not only can you spread bacteria, you can also irritate the already inflamed facial skin. Never pick or pop pimples with your fingers, as it can lead to infection and scarring.

-  Chemical peel removes outer layer of skin to reveal fresh skin as skin got lots of layer to revive anew. Better to use natural or less harsh products for the skin.

-  Use suppliments:
As we age our skins needs change, which is why we have developed a range to help put back the nutritional building blocks for healthy skin that ageing naturally takes away. Our unique 2-way approach to skincare combines nutritional supplements with nutrient-enriched topical skincare, to help create optimum skin health.

-  Calm down!  Some studies link stress with the severity of pimples or acne. Ask yourself what's making you feel stressed. Then look for solutions.

Le t me know what you think by leaving your comments for me.
Thanks for reading!

How to prevent dark spots on the face

How to care for the face is a problem mostly common amongst women. Facial care is a delicate issue and procedure. Preventing spots and acne on the face is sometimes a nightmare as one problem could lead to another.
Sometimes, irritation on the face could be allergy to food or detergents used in washing clothes. Mostly, it is caused by dirt mixed with sweat. Without treatment pigmented acne spots will fade on their own within 12 months.

You can prevent dark spots on the face by.

- Wash your skin  with a water-soluble cleanser formulated without oil or waxes. This helps clear your pores to prevent clogging,
An example of water cleanser

- Washing your towel regularly. It would be better if you use a different towel for face.

- Use mild soaps to wash face towel and pillowcases as this could help to reduce cases of allergies if there is any causing face irritation.

- Always wear a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater if you do go into the sun this helps prevent the darkening of acne trauma regions or existing dark spots.

- Early treatment with over-the-counter treatments prevents pigmentation problems and scarring. Make sure your skin-care treatment is formulated with effective acne-fighters like benzoyl peroxide, sulfur or salicylic acid.

- Wash hands before touching face but if you are in a public place you can keep a wet tissue pack on your hand bag to wipe hands.

- Try changing your makeup powder when they are getting too old to avoid harming your face with bacterias as this causes dark spots on the face.

- Exfoliate your skin once or twice weekly. Use skincare scrubs made with retinol or glycolic acid, or an at-home microdermabrasion kit. This helps cleanse off surface skin cells to remove any dark pigmented cells and keep your skin its natural look.

- Don't trouble any hard pimple on the face, give it time to soften before trying to pop it off as this will help preventing dark spot from appearing on the face.

- Wash face with mild warm water then cold water any time you wash your face.

- Try eating less fat and fried foods. Fat produces pimples which can lead to blackheads.

- Use clean handkerchief to wipe of sweat.

- Drink lots of water to help detox regularly.

How To Care For The Face

Having a face that glows spotlessly and always worried on what to do about it, could also be problems on what you eat. The facial skin has alot of layers as we all know it. This is why we must be very cautious on all methods of treating the skin from head to toe.
The best treatment for the skin starts from inside the body.  Just like watery a plant and giving it good manure its leaves grows green same goes to the body and skin. Good habit of nutrition,exercise and natural treatments are good ways to start.

Few tips on how to care for your facial skin;

Skin type;
For the face, knowing what type of skin you have is a good way to start. If it is oily, dried or a bit of both dried and oily skin. Knowing this helps determine what type of skincare product you need for treatment. Dried skins are prone to white heads, so use oilfree moisturizers. There are normal, dried and oily skin type, but some people could have both oily and dried skin.

Maintain good hygine;
Be disciplined with good hygienic habit like washing of hands before touching your face to aviod bacteria infections. After a days job, within or outside the home or office, take a good bath to get rid of sweat and dirt.

Use of Moisturizers;
Use moisturizer and toner to clean skin and soften the face. This can be done especially at night and before bed time.

You should move more. Workouts from 15-30minutes daily can help open old pores and let new ones resurface.

To get a good radiant skin, drink lots of water. Drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water daily as this will help you detox naturally.

It is now well known that vegetables and fruits are good for our body and skin as they are rich with vitamins. It you want fruit juice, it's better you blend them in your kitchen as the ones sold in stores are more of sugar and color which are bad for the skin.

Visit a dermatologist
A dermatologist is best suggested for advice in caring for the skin.

Salicylic acid is a good ointment to treat whiteheads just as Benzol peroxide.

Always wash away makeup before bedtime, using warm then cold water and mild soap
Sleep more especially at night.
Detoxify body by drinking at most 9 glasses of water daily.
Strawberries, oranges, lime,carrots, green vegetables, spinach etc are rich with vitamin C preserving ones youthfulness. Beauty is inside the body and glows outside the skin.

Use Vitamin Suppliments
Your skin needs different nutrients at different times of the day. That’s why we all have to developed these 24-hour supplements to feed our skin with the nutrients it needs during the day and night.

There are few products like;
Replenish Day-Night Skin Nutrition Suppliments
Energyizing Day cream SPF15 /20
Hour Multi-active Night Face Cream
 Nurture Skin Suppliments
Night Renewal Regenerating cream
Replenish facial wash
Replenish lip and eye contour serum etc.

Always moist lips to keep it soft.

How to lose weight and be healthy

Not nice to deal with excessive weight gain and not know how to get that slim figure or nice curve back.
 Weight loss always involves the cutting down of fats and calories intake. About fats, unsaturated type is most dangerouse and must be cut down or avoided.


Tips on losing weight fast:

Eating Habits;
Food or eating habits could contribute to ones fatness. This kind of food mentallity could be conqured by eating lots of fruits and vegetable which are more healthy to the body, as eating too much could result to over weight which could be very difficult to overcome in losing weight. So it is better to eat more fruits and lots of fibers, wheat grains which fill the stomach and deprive the urge of eating excessivelly to avoid weight.

Water intake daily is adviced as it removes waste products from the cells in the body to keep it in good form. 100 pound of body weight should drink 40 to 50 pounds of water each day while two third ounce on pound body weight. So drinking of plain water without flavour, is a good way to remove bad fluid from the body.

Belly fat is stubborn and you need to do whole body workouts that challenge your endurance. Standart cardio like treadmill ot running on same pace will help too as High Intesity Technic Workout (HIIT) for 10 - 15minutes daily can help reduce belly fat or bloating.

Diet is essential in losing belly fat but in a heathy way by cutting down on fats and cabohydrates.

 No matter how long you exercise you will not burn tummy fat if you don't eat similar to following:

- protein from -eggs, meat and fish - baked, not fried

- carbs from - lentils, beans, chick peas,

How about chromium levels and table sugar. This mineral chromium build calorie-burning tissuses which lean ones body.In this case,  keeping more Chromium amount is good for the body from sugar. Though researchers link sugar to increased calorie intake yet, sugar is not that diet damage compared to fats intake, yet helps in the excretion of chromium.

- fat should me limited to no more than 30-50 gr. per day - olive oil, fish oil
- you should eat lots of fiber from vegetables - this will make you full and not feeling hunger (but limit potatoes and rice)
 - fruits are healthy food and you can eat plenty of them BUT once you achieve your desired weight. Fruits contain sugar and sugar increase insulin in blood and you can't burn fat with high insulin levels. Don't get me wrong, a fruit 3-4 times per week is ok. To lose weight fast don't mean eat only fruits. Don't eat only fruits when you are on diet, first because you need different nutrients and second because of the sugar in fruits.

So, do a healthy diet with exercise and this will work for belly fat.

Control eating habits by replacing food with fruits and vegetables with watewr to flush the waste products regularly.

How To Use Simple Or Holiday Makeup, To Look Sexy

It is well known to always “moisturize, moisturize and moisturize.” In the cold weather, make sure to go for oil-based creams instead of lotions (water-based) for hydration that lasts. Above this, for a glowing complexion, don’t skip these extra prep steps. Gently exfoliate once a week to clear away dead cells before following up with a hydrating mask to grab glowy, dewy skin.

Masks with collagen and hyaluronic acid are good, as they’re full with vitamins. Masks that contains niacin-amide can give a radiant glow, and formulations  with gold and adenosine are rejuvenating.

 Moisturizer Checkup;
A lot of moisturizers are labeled as “shimmer,” but they are best to use during summertime.  Substitute glimmer in favor of a more softened cold-weather glow. Try and use oil-based moisturizer instead of shimmer. It is more subtle for the winter months.

For that  party glow, shimmer blush is good for most women especially if you have oily skin, you should prime first. You can use a matte blush first, then dust over it with shimmer blush. Shimmer blush on oily skin can make skin look discolored  or blemish. blotchy, so this trick helps. You want your makeup to shine through the night, not look slick. Use a nice blush to make your matte and shimmer shades last in any color. Shimmery-pink glow on lighter skin tones and a cool-based flush on darker skin.

Terracotta Bronzers;
To keep your face glowing with a flush of warm color, you can continue with your usual bronzer in your winter makeup and can use your bronzing powder as your blush on cheeks, and then highlight cheekbones with a cream illuminator to add sheen. The illuminator gives you a natural look and evening appropriate.

If your style personality is strongly daring, winter season is here for you to display it all. Experiment with nice vibrant, sparkly, even gaudy colors. Choose from a variety of glittery, geometric shapes over rich wine-hued shades for your winter makeup.

Lip Gloss or lipstick;
Red, pink lipstick ar cool. Add glittery shine to your lip stick or use lip gloss that's shimmery for your evening or night makeup.

How to Grow an African Black Hair Long

Growing an african or african american or afro black hair long is a very difficult task and usually lots of care and efforts are required to get better results.

Here are a few steps to follow on growing an African hair long:

1)  Don't wash and shampoo hair daily:

 Natural hair produces it's own oil and shampooing it daily disrupts it's own natural procedure thereby leading to dryness of the hair. Wash hair at most twice a week but it may also depend on what kind of enviroment you live in. If it's a too hot and dusty place, you will have to slow down on washing your hair too often and daily because it could be damaging.

2)  Patience:

It's not easy to wait in patience but if determined to grow your hair long, you will need to be patient. Black or afro hair tends to grow exactly or below average, Caucasian hair grows close to average while Asian hair grows slightly faster than average. Black hair grows 1/2 (half) inch monthly growing to  6inches a year that's starting from the fresh shaved scalp. Though genetic effects could also influence the average 1/2inch growth rate monthly, it could be exact, slower or slightly faster but not to worry it will grow as long as you are breathing you hair is also growing so be patient.

3)  Take vitamins:

For the growth of hair, vitamins are needed and the hair already produces about 88% of these vitamins. If you must take vitamins make sure it also includes MSM, Folic acid and Biotin to make your hair grow faster.  MSM helps strengthens the hair and makes it grow longer.

4) Treat weak hair:

 For chemically relaxed or straightened hair, natural protein are destroyed from the hair and if not treated, it could lead to breakage and weakness. So egg treatment is good for black hair. 2eggs and 3 or 4 spoons of olive oil will do. Mix and massage through hair and wait for 60mins wearing a plastic cap. If usuing a protein cream 10-15 mins will do.

5)  Be careful of heat stylin:

 Try to reduce the amount of heat you use on your hair. If you use heat appliances, limit to once or twice a week and always use heat protective creams when ever your want
to blow dry or use iron on hair.

6) Always use neutralizing shampoo and conditioner after using relaxers on hair:

 Wash away relaxers with water and use neutralize shampoo 3 - 4 times, leave on hair the fourth time for 10-15mins then wash and conditon hair with neutralizing conditioner.

7) Use protein treatment on your hair:

 For protein treatment, raw egg and olive oil is suitable. 3 eggs and 4spoons of olive oil, massagge gently into hair and use plastic cap for 60mins then rinse with little shampoo and condition more.You can use protein shampoo a week and moisturizing shampoo the following week. This way, you moisturise your hair to be resistant and prevent breakage.

8) Vegetable and fruits:

 Increasing the intake of your vitamins through vegetables and fruits is good and healthy for your hair growth.

9) Water:

 Drinking water is not only good for the skin, but your health in general. This includes the growth of your hair.

10) Trim weak ends:

When hair is getting longer, trim every 3-4months the weak ends to avoid it from spliting and breaking.

11)  Reduce the use of chemicals and relaxers:

Slow down on relaxers and use from 6 -12weeks or every six months. Relaxers straigthens the hair by streching it. It does not make the hair grow. So, limit it on your hair as it contains chemicals too harsh for your hair.

12) Big Combs:

It is better not to comb african hair regular. If you want to use a comb, always use big toothed combs if you ever want to comb your hair. Make sure it is at least half way dried before combing hair as wet hair is easier to stretch which leads to breakage and shredding.

13) Oils:

Coconut and olive oil amongst other types of oil are some of the best oils that can help condition afro hair so, try oily your hair at least before going to bed.

14)  Protect well:

African american hair can break easily and it takes lots of time and stress to grow it. So, it is wiser that before you go to bed at nigt, you tie it with a silk scarf. This will help keep the hair moisturized and retain its natural oil. The silk scarf also protects the hair from breaking.

How To Lose Weight Fast Through Fat Burning And Good Diet

No matter how long you exercise you will not burn belly fat if you don't eat the right categories to food. It is a well known fact that you have to limit certain food and change your eating habits before you can start thinking of loosing weight. Fat intake is much more easier than burning it out.
 Weight gain can be monitored if we watch how we eat. Eating right is always a key ingredient on loosing weight. Though going through a diet does not mean that we should eliminate certain food entirely.

Here Are Some Tips To Brun Fat And Lose Weight Fast:

- Fat should be limited to no more than 30-50 gr. per day - olive oil, fish oil.
- You should eat lots of fiber from vegetables - this will make you full and not feeling hungry (but limit potatoes and rice).
 - Fruits are healthy food and you can eat plenty of them BUT once you achieve your desired weight. Fruits contain sugar and sugar increase insulin in blood and you can't burn fat with high insulin levels. Don't get me wrong, a fruit 3-4 times per week is ok. To lose weight fast don't mean eat only fruits.
Don't eat only fruits when you are on diet, first because you need different nutrients and second because of the sugar in fruits.

- Protein from -eggs, meat and fish - baked, instead of fried
- Carbs from - lentils, beans, chick peas
-  A variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products.
-  Whole grain products and certain fruits and vegetables like broccoli, potatoes, grape juice, and oranges are good.
- Ready-to-eat bran cereals can also be a relatively good source of diet.
-  Eat lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts.
- Lean beef, oysters, eggs, and turkey are healthy for your diet intake.
- Always choose foods low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.
- Stick within your daily calorie needs.
- Do the high intensity interval training (HIIT) excersie and you will see results in a few weeks.

So, do a healthy diet with exercise and this will also work for belly fat.

Take snacks inbetween meals.

Control eating habits by replacing food with fruits and vegetables with water to flush the waste products regularly.